Property Maintenance Is Crucial! | Baltimore Property Management Tips

By Rentwell

Updated September 2, 2022.

To succeed as a Baltimore property investor, you have to go the extra mile when responding to property maintenance issues. It can't be an afterthought or a 'when I have time' approach! The quality of your property maintenance is one of the critical factors that can either help you retain your best residents—or lose good renters to other competing rental homes in the Baltimore-area rental market.

As an expert Baltimore property management company, we know that property maintenance must be a proactive priority to help your properties and services stand out above the competition. Providing excellent maintenance is also one of the ways investors can save money and improve their bottom lines. 

As an expert Baltimore property management company, we know that property maintenance must be a proactive priority to help your properties and services stand out above the competition. Providing excellent maintenance is also one of the ways investors can save money and improve their bottom lines. 

Plumber on the kitchen

How can real estate investors provide high-quality maintenance services and respond swiftly to maintenance requests? It's more than making repairs as problems happen or researching fixes on search engines! Follow these property maintenance tips to impress your renters and improve your long-term rental home income.

Vet Vendors to Avoid Liability

You don't let a renter move into your property without passing them through a thorough tenant screening process. Why would you allow a vendor to work inside your property without also screening the company and employees? 

When a contractor works inside or outside of a rental property, it's your job to protect your renters and their personal property. One of the best ways to keep them safe while a vendor performs a maintenance task is to screen your vendors before allowing them into your Baltimore rental homes. 

  • Choose vendors with an excellent track record of service, reasonable pricing, responsiveness to those late-night calls, and history of reputable operations.

  • Any employee or service company owner with criminal histories or complaints could be a warning sign that you're letting danger into your properties and increasing your potential liabilities.

  • If you're not sure how to vet contractors, a Baltimore property management company like Rentwell® can handle it for you! 

Step Away From the Hammer

Just because you can fix something doesn't mean you should. You might be handy with a hammer or a wrench, but you must improve the quality of your repairs when prioritizing maintenance requests.

Letting professionals handle your property maintenance is a significant perk for you—and your renters! When your residents can count on prompt responses to requests and timely fixes, they are happier. Happy renters stay longer.

Renters look for Baltimore properties that offer professional maintenance services. When you put the hammer down and turn your maintenance over to a provider of property management services, you'll enjoy renters who stay longer, better property values, and more income!

Act Fast With Vendor Lists

When you've vetted a network of vendors you trust and rely on, it's time to get organized. The faster you can respond to an emergency, the better impression you make on your residents. You'll also avoid costly repairs that happen when a maintenance issue goes too long without a fix and becomes worse. 

  • Investors can act quickly when they have a list of common maintenance problems and the best vendors to call for a fast and high-quality repair.

  • Create an easy-to-search directory of vendors, problems, and properties. Make sure you can access this list anytime and anywhere when a resident calls with a maintenance emergency. 

Choose Property Management for Professional Maintenance!

The best maintenance tip we know is to hire the best Baltimore property management company for all of your property maintenance needs! Renters know that a rental property with professional, full-service property management means that they have a well-maintained home and fast repairs in an emergency. 

Smiling handsome plumber standing with crossed arms

While DIY maintenance can seem like a money-saving approach, many investors spend more money on repeated repairs for the same issue when fixing it on their own. They also spend valuable time fixing things at their rental properties when they should be able to spend their time doing things they love!

With professional property management, investors get:

  • On-call maintenance services—24/7
  • Vetted vendors to protect properties and residents
  • Quality repairs (the first time)
  • Scheduled, preventative maintenance to reduce significant, costly repairs
  • Routine property inspections to look for potential maintenance issues
  • Better pricing than going direct-to-vendor.

We already have a network of approved vendors to respond to any routine or emergency maintenance issue. Because we provide a high volume of work to our best vendors, we can often reduce maintenance costs for our rental property owners!

Rentwell® Is Your Maintenance Pro!

When you choose a professional Baltimore property management team, you never have to worry about the condition of your properties! Rentwell® understands the importance of excellent maintenance services and the boost they can give your bottom line. We prioritize top-quality fixes and routine maintenance to keep your residents happy and your properties well-maintained. 

Investors and renters know that when you work with Rentwell®, you get a team that removes the hassles of owning rental properties in Baltimore. We're available, responsive, and reliable—even when it's time to answer the phone for a maintenance emergency in the middle of the night!

Contact us today to get started.

Topics: Landlord Learning Baltimore Property Management Maintenance Matters