Philly Property Management: Happy Tenants Lead to Eviction Prevention

By Rentwell

If you own rental properties, you’ve probably thought about eviction prevention before. If there’s one thing rental property owners don’t want to deal with, it’s an eviction. Not only are evictions a lengthy and expensive process, if frequent evictions become a problem, but investors also deal with a high turnover rate too. 

Whether tenants are unhappy and leaving or you need to evict them and hire an eviction attorney, the process is stressful and hurts your bottom line. A Philly property management advisor can help you with eviction prevention and tenant satisfaction so you maintain ROI and cash flow. Here's what property owners need to know!

Open envelope and eviction notice to quit papers. (R) (S)

How To Avoid Eviction

Once a landlord gets a tenant into a Maryland rental unit, the last thing you want to do is evict them. The best way to deal with evictions is to avoid an eviction lawsuit! Plus, preventing them from happening is a critical step in keeping tenant turnover rates down. With every tenant removal comes the hassles of hiring an eviction attorney, dealing with eviction laws, and, of course, looking for new tenants—so what can property owners do to prevent this situation?

Screen Tenants Thoroughly

A property management company can tell you that the best way to make sure you place a good tenant in your rental property is to implement thorough tenant screening practices. An ideal tenant doesn’t need to be evicted! With a rigorous tenant screening process, investors can ensure that the person they put into the home will reliably pay their rent and take care of the property without being a troublemaker that never pays the rent on time or neglects your rental home. 

If you're not sure how to set up a screening process, the best Philly property management company can help. They already use a rigorous background check for all prospective tenants to weed out potential tenants who would likely cause problems after signing a lease or rental agreement and moving into a Baltimore City home. 

Make It Easy to Pay Rent

Every eviction must follow Pennsylvania law and start by mailing out a 30-day eviction notice, but we hope property owners never have to get to that point with a resident. One of the most common reasons why renters must be removed from a property is for failure to pay rent. However, making rent collection easier can help tenants pay the rent on time! 

When a property owner provides online rental payment options, tenants don’t have any reason to be late with their rent as a lease violation. Work with a Philly Property Management company to set up an online payment portal or other options to help renters make every rental payment on time. 

Improve Tenant Satisfaction

While tenant screening and easier payment systems can remove obstacles that help bad tenants create problems in your property, tenant satisfaction is another critical area that can help eliminate the need for the eviction process. Property managers know that with happy tenants, owners can rest a little easier knowing that renters are more apt to pay on time, stay in the rental from year to year, and take good care of the property too. 

How can you keep your tenants happy? Here are a few simple things a landlord must do to make it happen.

Fix Rental Property Maintenance Issues Fast

No rental home is perfect, but one secret to keeping residents happy is to fix things quickly. When a tenant puts in a maintenance request, they don’t want to be ignored or put off. With prompt responses and quality repairs, your tenants are more likely to stay satisfied—even when things do go wrong. However, it can be difficult to keep on top of the maintenance if you’re trying to manage everything on your own. When you have a Philly property manager taking care of maintenance calls for you, tenants and owners benefit!

Have a Listening Ear

Sometimes tenants may have suggestions, complaints, comments, or simply need to vent. You may feel that you don’t have time for these things (and maybe you don’t), but it’s vital that your tenants feel heard. Make sure you're accessible to residents when they need to reach you. Being responsive and responding well to renter issues can go a long way toward building positive relationships with long-term tenants!

Show Appreciation

Everyone wants to be appreciated, but sometimes people don’t take the time to show it to others. It may seem like a small thing to say “thank you” and “you’re welcome,” but it could mean a lot to your residents. A landlord who shows appreciation to tenants builds stronger relationships, which is good for retaining renters and avoiding evictions!

Happy siblings lying on the floor watching tv (R) (S)

Keep Quality Tenants Long-Term With a Philly Property Management Company

Keeping up with tenant screening, eviction law, maintenance requests, and more can become overwhelming for landlords. A Philly property management company can take care of all these tasks for you—while minimizing the need to remove renters from your properties. Rentwell ensures that property owners experience top-quality tenants, but we also manage any problems during a lease term. Your tenants receive fast and responsive service to keep them content while living in your rental home. Reach out to learn more about our property management services.

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