Should You Handle Rental Property Maintenance Yourself?

By Rentwell

Property owners must keep rental properties in good condition to attract tenants and maintain their value. One of the key aspects of maintaining a rental property is regular maintenance and repairs. 

However, should you handle rental property maintenance yourself or hire a professional property management company to handle it for you? In this blog, we will explore some insights to help you determine if you should handle property maintenance or let a professional handle it.

Repairs to Consider If You Have Skills

If you have the skills and experience to handle repairs and maintenance tasks, you might be tempted to take care of everything yourself. It's true that for simple repairs like changing a lock or unclogging a toilet, you can do it easily without purchasing tools or taking too much of your valuable time. 

However, for more complicated repairs, it's usually better to hire a professional.

Attempting repairs that you don't have the skills for can be dangerous and expensive. "Repairing" something without the right insights can cause the problem to come back worse than before. 

Additionally, taking too much time while you make multiple trips to the hardware store can be frustrating to tenants who need the problem fixed. In most cases, it's better to leave the repairs and maintenance to the professionals.

Maintaining a rental property requires knowledge and skill

How a Property Manager Helps With Maintaining a Rental Property

Your best tenants are more likely to leave if maintenance isn't handled promptly and effectively. In most cases, letting a property management company handle maintenance saves money, reduces scheduling issues, and keeps tenants happy. 

With a professional property management company, you can benefit from the following:

  • Access to reliable and affordable vendors

  • Regular maintenance inspections to catch problems early

  • Efficient scheduling and communication with tenants

  • Comprehensive record-keeping for maintenance and repairs to track and report rental property maintenance expenses

  • Emergency responses to urgent issues

By outsourcing your property maintenance to a professional company, you can free up your time to focus on other aspects of your business while ensuring that your rental property is always in top condition.

Why Inspections Are Important

You might think that regular property inspections aren't a necessary aspect of keeping rental properties in good condition. However, with rental properties, "no news" is not necessarily good news! 

Keeping a routine eye on the condition of your properties helps you stay ahead of potentially serious and costly maintenance or repairs. Without regularly scheduling property inspections, you or your tenants could discover a significant unexpected issue that could have been resolved with less time and expense if it had been caught earlier. 

Inspections also help property owners track tenant behavior and ensure they're following the rules. 

However, many property owners don't have the time or resources to conduct these inspections. It can also be challenging to know what to look for when visiting a property or checking on tenant compliance. 

A property manager makes routine inspections a proactive part of their maintenance services for investors. We put these property reviews on the calendar with plenty of notice to renters to ensure they happen on time while following tenant privacy regulations. 

A Delco property management company delivers professional maintenance services

What If You Have Your Own Vendors?

If you have your own vendors but need help receiving and scheduling maintenance services, our new BOSS program could be ideal for you! The BOSS program from Rentwell offers back-office support for property owners who want to maintain control over their vendors and properties from a maintenance perspective. 

Through this program, you remain "the boss" while Rentwell helps with back-office support. This means we use our resources to receive maintenance requests, send them to your preferred vendors, and communicate with tenants.

The BOSS program from Rentwell has some great highlights, including:

  • 24/7 maintenance support for tenants

  • Appfolio Owner and Resident portals

  • Professional vendor coordination and management

Additionally, we offer rent collection services, lease renewal and reminders, and monthly financial reporting through the BOSS program. 

It's ideal for real estate investors with some experience managing properties and tenants and owning multiple rentals in the Delaware Country area. With this level of service from Rentwell, you can ensure that your rental property receives prompt and effective maintenance without losing control over your vendors. 

Choose the Best Delco Property Management for Maintenance Services

Handling rental property maintenance yourself can be tempting if you're handy, but it's usually better to leave it to the professionals. Hiring a professional Delco property management company like Rentwell can save you time and money while ensuring that your rental property is well-maintained and your tenants are happy. 

If you have your own vendors but need help with back-office support, the BOSS program from Rentwell can be a great solution. Reach out to our team to learn more about our property management services and how we can help you keep your rental investments in top condition.

Topics: Rental Property Maintenance