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Winter Energy Saving Tips for Your Property

Written by Rentwell | Dec 19, 2012 10:56:00 PM

With below-freezing temperatures haunting the future forecast, it's time to start thinking about ways to cut down on energy use. Many properties in Philadelphia and beyond are older and less energy efficient buildings. Luckily, whether you own or rent a property, you can make some easy changes to improve energy efficiency in your home.

Here's some tips that will help you reduce your energy use: 

1. Make the sun into your personal heater. While the sun may not offer enough heat to flow through your home, opening your blinds or curtains during the day is a simple way to let in some natural heat. Try this on your south-facing windows, and close the curtains at night.

2. Weatherstrip all doors that go outside. Caulk any doors or windows that leak air.

3. Utilize your fireplace. Add caulking around the fireplace hearth. Look into installing glass doors and a heat-air exchange system that blows warm air into the room.

4. Lower your water heater temperature. Lowering your max temperature on your water heater is a simple change that will reduce energy use.

5. Replace old holiday lights. You might have pulled out your old holiday lights to decorate your home, but now's the perfect time to purchase energy-saving LED lights. After the holidays get rid of the less-energy efficient lights and purchase after-Christmas clearance lights to save for next year.

These aren't the only ways to save on energy. This winter start making conscious energy decisions that could save you money.